Lunar Blogs
Welcome to the wonderful world of spirituality and jewelry with meaning! This blog is your trusted guide in the world of deep understanding of yourself and the world around you through the magic of jewelry.We invite you to dive into the ocean of wisdom, tenderness and beauty, where each piece of jewelry carries a deep symbolic meaning. Here you will find not only stylish accessories, but also a source of inspiration for the development of spiritual practice.
Unveiling the Symbolism of Gems: A Fascinating Journey into Meaningful Jewelry
In the world of jewelry, each gemstone carries a rich tapestry of symbolism, history, and meaning. Beyond their dazzling beauty,...
The Magical and Healing Properties of Rocks and Minerals
In the world of jewelry, gemstones and minerals not only serve as adornments but also possess astonishing magical and healing...
Seventh Sahasrara: Unveiling the Path of Pure Cosmic Energy Flow.
Today, we delve into the intricacies of the seventh chakra, also known as Sahasrara or the crown chakra, representing the...
Unlocking the Secrets of the Sixth Chakra: Ajna - The Third Eye Chakra
The "third eye" refers to the sixth chakra, Ajna, denoting the activation of this vital energy center. Positioned at the...
Fifth chakra Vishuhda: the bridge to higher levels of consciousness
The existence of chakras in every human being is scientifically proven, and their functioning is partially explained. Each chakra is...
Fourth chakra Anahata: The center of love
The concept of chakras as energy centers within the human body originated in India. Traditionally, there are believed to be...
Influence of Stones and Minerals on Human Chakras
The seven chakras, vital energy centers along the spine, play a crucial role in determining the overall well-being of the...
Chakras: A Brief Description
Chakras are integral to the ancient Indian and yogic traditions, representing seven energy centers within the human body. Derived from...